REACH Ecosystem the key to a high performing team
As employees in the 21st century are becoming increasingly less receptive to commands and control styles of leadership, business owners are looking for ways to gain a deeper insight into their staff – and customers – to be able to perform better.
Bill James, Director of Training and Development at Attain, says REACH Ecosystem is providing a level of human understanding that has never been seen before in business – a timely innovation in a world where the traditional methods of communicating are being rejected.
“We no longer live in a society where the boss simply tells an employee what to do and they do it. Nor can we control the level of passion and enthusiasm that team members respond with, or when and how they answer an email. We can, however, communicate with them in a way that inspires them to do their best.”
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Transforming Workplace Communication: The REACH Ecosystem Unleashes High Performance
Believing we need to rethink the way communication is being done in the workplace, James says the REACH Ecosystem provides the exact information and tools required to create a high performing team who feel like their individual needs are being met.
“It’s a tool that allows you to measure how people and teams respond to change in their situation, challenges, and the people around them.
“The focus is on your ability to adapt to new situations, people and change. The significant, proven key is how you reach and connect with others. Some do it well, others are reserved and find it difficult to communicate. This creates their ‘Reach Quotient’. The greater your ability to reach others, the more you can influence the communications outcome.
“High performance comes from people who want to be there – if you’re fighting your team, you can’t ever get the best from them. With REACH Ecosystem, you have a learning platform that allows you to see where they (as an individual and team) are now, how to improve their communication reach and even measure that improvement.”
Unveiling the REACH Ecosystem: Unlocking Hidden Traits and Unique Personalities
The REACH Ecosystem is based around four categories – counsellor, coach, advisor and driver. Each of these have a set of traits that an individual fits into, but then within that, their reach point differs based on ten underlying characteristics that no other tool recognises, as far as James is aware.
“For example, it can explain how someone could be a go-getter, but becomes paralysed when change occurs. REACH Ecosystem could show that they’re a driver, while uncovering the hidden trait that they need to know all the details first to then be driven.
“It could also show how you could have a tough as nails, ‘driver’ CEO who melts at the sight of a Kitten, or how you could have a quiet accountant who goes out and sings karaoke at night.
“It’s valuable because once you have that knowledge and insight, you can then use it to train that person and expand their reach, giving them the ability to effectively communicate with others who may have different characteristics.
“Let’s face it, if I can communicate with someone in the way they would most prefer, aligned with who they naturally are, they will be much more receptive.”
With countless tests on the market, James says REACH Ecosystem differs from the standard – most profiling tools show you where you are now, but that’s where they stop.
The REACH Ecosystem: Transforming Learning, Communication, and Progress
“So, the REACH Ecosystem tool is different because yes, it tells you what is happening now, but it also tells you why it’s happening, and then it gives you a personalised learning program and all the tools you need to improve and expand your reach. It then also gives you a way of measuring your progress in the future. It’s a complete learning and development ecosystem.
As an early adapter of the scientifically backed REACH Ecosystem, James has already implemented the innovation into Attain’s staff onboarding and is doing the same with clients to better communicate with them, and to also help them communicate more effectively within their own teams.
“From a sales, leadership, and communication point of view, it’s so valuable. Once organisations find out what they can do with it for its cost, it’s a big edge, and it literally happens at the push of a button due to automated intelligence.
“As it can be more self-directed with the learning and development plans being used at an individual’s own pace, the buy in has been huge.”
He says that like anything, however, it will have to be reinforced continually to be effective.
“The more it’s brought up in the office and practised, the more it becomes common language and the more natural and engrained it will become.”